You may be interested to know that your local all-volunteer fire department currently maintains a fully equipped fleet of almost a dozen vehicles, including 3 pumpers, 3 tankers, 3 rescue/rapid response vehicles, and 2 brush trucks. Notably, MLVFD is the only volunteer department in Lauderdale County equipped with a ladder truck. We operate out of two fire stations, with our primary station located on County Road 47 near the traffic light in St. Florian. We recently opened Station #2 on Butler Creek Road (CR-61) with a goal of improving response times in the Bluffview Shores and Mt. Zion areas of our jurisdiction, saving residents in that area hundreds of dollars per year in homeowner’s insurance premiums. We are proud to maintain a class four ISO rating, which means that property owners in our jurisdiction pay the same insurance rates as those in the Florence city limits. Believe it or not, we manage to do all of this on an annual budget of just under $100,000!
As you may be aware, each taxpayer in Lauderdale County pays an annual fire fee of $50 with their property tax assessment, but many citizens are exempt from paying property taxes and, therefore, do not pay the fire fee. Fire fee collections are distributed equally among the 14 volunteer fire departments in Lauderdale County, with each receiving approximately $65,000 per year. The County Commission also provides an annual appropriation of $12,500 to each department. Like most other departments, MLVFD relies on grants and community support to meet the remainder of our budget and maintain the level of protection and service that we believe our citizens expect and deserve.
We would like to invite you to partner with us by making a donation of any amount to meet the greatest needs and priorities of our department. By giving, you are helping us to fulfill our mission of saving lives and property. MLVFD is a 501(c)(3) organization, which means that you can deduct your contribution under IRC Section 170. An acknowledgment of your support will be provided. Ways to give, including secure online donations, are described below.
Thank you for thoughtfully considering a contribution to MLVFD, and in doing so, making a significant difference in your community. We are honored to serve you and look forward to having the opportunity to connect with you soon.